Who Cares?
Year: 2016
Duration: 10-month project
Client: National Council of Social Services (NCSS) Singapore
My role: I was part of the fuelfor team, as lead design researcher.
Impact: 7 movies that share about the trials and tribulations of Caregivers and 7 concept eco-systems. NCSS is working with social service organisations to implement our ideas. Furthermore, our input is directly used in the Enabling Masterplan 2017-2021, a national roadmap that will guide initiatives for the disability sector from 2017 to 2021.
We've also won the prestigious President's Design Award for Design of the year 2018!
Who cares for those with complex needs among us?
Who cares for the caregiver?
Who cares for the future of caregiving?
To answer the above questions, we talked to 10 caregivers, caring for a variety of complex cases. We followed them throughout their day, interviewed them and shadowed through video.
The caregivers we spoke to were between the ages of 21 to 78 and cared for those with illnesses, disabilities, mental illness and a combination of the aforementioned issues. Some were young and pausing or sacrificing their own life for caregiving, others were older needing care themselves. Some could cope alright while others felt like drowning.
Learn about what we found out about caregivers’ needs, dreams, and desires as they carry out a heavy but important responsibility of caregiving today through the below videos or read more in our book publication.
Explore how caregiving could be like in the future through the concepts further down this page.
LOST- services in silos are tough to navigate
TRUST- Caregiving is a family affair
ISOLATED- lonely and isolated
COMPASSION- Building caring communities
FEAR- Living in survival mode
HOPE- Uncovering the value of caregiving
TIRED- Caregivers need care too
Tomorrow’s landscape is made up of seven different concepts that fit together to create an eco-system of new products, services, tools, spaces, policies, programmes and campaigns. Each concept impacts a variety of levels from policy to persons, reshaping behaviours, experiences and practices.
We designed new entry points to the social care landscape, new roles to assist in navigation, and new tools for people to use to achieve a better caregiving experience.
Read the ‘Who Cares?’ Publication to get a deeper understanding of the Caregiver journey today, and what design consultancy fuelfor, together with caregivers and key people in the social care sector, has in mind to make tomorrow’s journey a better one for our Caregivers.
Want to know how we did it? Watch 'The making of' movie.